ПодешавањаПрофилКорисни линкови

IMMO Abroad, Агенција за некретнине, Шпанија, Валенсијанска Заједница (Аликанте, Кастељон, Валенсија), Oliva

IMMO Abroad
Агенција за некретнине
Познавање локалног тржишта
Вештине преговарања
Процесна експертиза
(0 Прикази)
Енглески, Холандски, Шпански, Руски, Немачки, Француски

Under the Immoabroad umbrella you will find specialised real estate companies for buying, selling or renting in Spain and France. During the last 15 years thousands of customers bought or sold a property through one of our offices. We have offices in several cities in Spain and France, and clicking on a specific property on our website will guide you to the account manager responsible for that property. Apart from our main websites immoabroad.com and holidayhomevision.com each office is supported by their local website, which will give you more detailed local and regional information. See also our regional and information section. If you are thinking of buying a house abroad, or selling your property then our experts will be more than happy to discuss your situation and requirements. Our rental division is affiliated in the Netherlands for our Dutch and Belgium customers with the SGR, and in Germany for our German customers with Reisegarant. Our team has native speakers in English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Flemish and Russian. Our division that is specialised in building can show you several completed projects, and projects which are under construction in different phases, as well as give you reference details of clients we have built for. In the special section for construction on our website you will find a large selection of designs, and building plots available. Our team will gladly assist you realising your dream home. Our local staff can help you with the negotiations, mortgages, foreign exchange, and all legal assistance in order to make sure your buying, selling or rental experience is enjoyable and hassle free.


Главна канцеларија
Oliva, Валенсијанска Заједница (Аликанте, Кастељон, Валенсија)
  • Gregori Maians 8
  • +34 911 980 582
  • enquiry@immoabroad.com


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  • Продају се стамбене некретнине


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