ПодешавањаПрофилКорисни линкови

Бауър Пропъртис, Агенција за некретнине, Бугарска, Благоевград, Банско

Бауър Пропъртис
Агенција за некретнине
Познавање локалног тржишта
Вештине преговарања
Процесна експертиза
(0 Прикази)
Бугарски, Руски, Енглески

We at Bower Properties set up an independent property agency over twelve years ago to help property buyers find their ideal holiday, resale and investment properties.

We are now very proud to be known as the most experienced resale property agency in Bansko and now the only British run independent agency. Living and working here in Bansko we understand the needs of our clients and therefore provide a personal service, giving the security and reassurance that is needed in an unfamiliar but lucrative market.

Our clients tell us we give the best buying and selling resale service. As a well established independent company we place emphasis on being able to give you the highest quality personal service with our office open all year round.

The Bower Properties team consists of Debbie Gibbs - Managing Director, Warren Smith - Sales Director, and our wonderful cohort of dedicated, multilingual staff, Albena, Spaska, Kali, Kitty and Simon.

We pride ourselves on being able to offer a totally independent, individual and professional service catering to your needs.


Главна канцеларија
Банско, Благоевград
  • Пирин 67
  • +359 885702868
  • kitty@bower-properties.com
  • Viber: +359 885702868
  • WhatsApp: +359 885702868
  • Радно време:
  • Понедељак - Субота
  • 10:00 - 18:00 сати

41.8315 23.4824 19


  • Продају се стамбене некретнине
  • Комерцијална некретнина на продају / закуп
  • Инвестиционо савјетовање
  • Истраживачка тура
  • Помоћ у добијању држављанства, издавању виза, сталног и привременог боравка
  • Продаја готовог посла
  • Правне услуге у свим фазама куповине непокретности


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