ПодешавањаПрофилКорисни линкови

ADIUM LTD, Грађевинско предузеће, Бугарска, Софија, Софија

Грађевинско предузеће
(0 Прикази)
Бугарски, Енглески, Немачки, Руски, Српски

Adium Ltd - professionalism and individual approach to each client!
Adium Ltd is a company specialized in the design and building of highly technological log and wooden houses. It has a team of professionals, experienced in project management, in the construction of settlements and individual projects of houses, hotels, villas, russian and finnish bathrooms, etc. from massive finnish wood.

Based on scientific principles and approaches in the design and use of the newest achievements in the construction technologies and materials, Adium Ltd provides a new look to the wooden constructions - "the wooden houses of the future".

Adium provides an overall approach in the organization of construction of wooden houses, from the preliminary design to the completion of the house.

Using our services, you save valuable time and hours spent in the search and purchase of construction materials, construction and installation services, ideas for cost-optimization, work control, etc. We will do all this instead of you and the result will exceed your expectations.

Our main purpose is the development of alternative technological solutions in the area of house construction that enables the realization of the basic principles for ecologically clean houses and possibility to live in an affordable environment, friendly and energy - saving home.

Build your dream home with Adium Ltd!


Главна канцеларија
Софија, Софија
  • 53 Bulgaria blv.
  • +359 879615499
  • info@scarletflower.bg
  • Viber: +3590879615499
  • Skype: jorko_730
  • WhatsApp: +3590879615499
  • Радно време:
  • Понедељак - Недеља
  • 8:00 - 19:00 сати

42.6658 23.2893 18


  • Продају се стамбене некретнине
  • Изградња, развој, инвестициони пројекти
  • Управљање некретнинама
  • Инвестиционо савјетовање
  • Пројектовање
  • Грађевинске и монтажне активности
  • Изградња станова
  • Груба конструкција
  • Кровна изолација и изолација
  • Хидроизолација
  • Акустична изолација
  • Топлотна изолација
  • Електрична инсталација
  • Водоинсталације
  • Завршни радови
  • Поправке и обнове
  • Монтажне конструкције и куће




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