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BULGARIAN ESTATES, Агенција за некретнине, Бугарска, Бургас, Бургас

Агенција за некретнине
Познавање локалног тржишта
Вештине преговарања
Процесна експертиза
(0 Прикази)
Бугарски, Руски, Енглески

Have you decided to buy, sell or rent a property? This is easy, advantageous and secure with Bulgarian Estates.

The company:
We have been working for our clients for already 12 years. We are taking care of the maximum protection of their interests and are doing our best to make them satisfied. Because this is our job… By choosing national real estate agency Bulgarian Estates, you stake on a company with flawless image, experience and potential.

The team:
The team of Bulgarian Estates consists of young, educated and consistent professionals, who have a detailed knowledge of the specifics of real estate deals in Bulgaria and other countries around the world. Compromises are inadmissible for us because the satisfaction of the client is a guarantee for our future success.

The bottom line:
Through the years, we helped thousands of exacting customers from Bulgaria and abroad to localize the most suitable properties for them, to make a sensible and advantageous investment, satisfying their requirements in terms of quality, affable atmosphere and cosiness. Today, they are all our friends. Their references are a proof of this, which bring us newer and newer clients.

What to expect from us:
We will protect your interests responsibly and assiduously on each stage of the deal. We will provide detailed information to you regarding all alternatives, so that you feel confident that you have made the optimum choice. We will conclude a contract with you to guarantee your peace and the fulfilment of the conditions in the best possible way.

Trust us! Your maximum comfort is our mission.


Главна канцеларија
Бургас, Бургас
  • 10 "Vazrazhdane" str. floor 3, Burgas 8000
  • +359 877 78 77 87
  • info@bulgarianestates.com
  • Viber: +359886088088
  • Skype: info@bulgarianestates.com
  • WhatsApp: +359886088088
  • Радно време:
  • Понедељак - Петак
  • 9:00 - 18:00 сати


  • Издавање стамбених објеката
  • Продају се стамбене некретнине
  • Комерцијална некретнина на продају / закуп
  • Изградња, развој, инвестициони пројекти
  • Управљање некретнинама
  • Правне и консултантске услуге
  • Истраживачка тура
  • Помоћ у добијању хипотекарних кредита
  • Помоћ у добијању држављанства, издавању виза, сталног и привременог боравка
  • Продаја готовог посла
  • Правне услуге у свим фазама куповине непокретности
  • Грађевинске и монтажне активности
  • Отварање рачуна у страним банкама
  • Инвестиционо савјетовање
  • Пројектовање
  • Осигурање
  • Комплексна конструкција
  • Изградња станова
  • Издавање за одмор
  • Издавање и продаја индустријских и складишних објеката



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