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Hellenic Homes, Грађевинско предузеће, Грчка, Крит, Ханија

Hellenic Homes
Грађевинско предузеће
(0 Прикази)
Грчки, Енглески, Руски, Француски

Hellenic Homes is the leading constructor and property developer in West Crete and is a local company based in and around the beautiful, historic Venetian town of Chania. We pride ourselves not only on offering the highest quality builds that conform to strict European regulations, but also on our superb customer service and after-sales care offered to new buyers. Our professional and friendly team of staff will help you to realise your dream. They will provide you with guidance, support and helpful advice from first contact, to visiting our sales offices, to viewing our developments and finally choosing your property. Hellenic Homes will be with you throughout the buying process, right up to the completion of your property.
Whether its a villa directly on the beach or a traditional stone-built house in a rural village you are looking for, our extensive portfolio offers a wide range of homes to suit most budgets for use either as a holiday retreat or a permanent residence. For those seeking something unique or secluded, we offer a tailor made service locating suitable plots according to your specifications. Our in-house architects and civil engineers will help you design and create the home of your dreams.
The Cretan people are known for their friendly hospitality and welcome newcomers as their own. With the main Cretan industry still relying on agriculture, assisted by the strict conservation laws of Greece, they can ensure it remains beautiful. Crete is a unique island that offers something for everyone – come and see for yourself!


Главна канцеларија
Ханија, Крит
  • 1st km New National Road
  • +30 2821047000
  • sales2@hellenichomes.com
  • Радно време:
  • Понедељак - Петак
  • 9:00 - 19:00 сати


  • Издавање стамбених објеката
  • Продају се стамбене некретнине
  • Комерцијална некретнина на продају / закуп
  • Изградња, развој, инвестициони пројекти
  • Управљање некретнинама
  • Инвестиционо савјетовање
  • Помоћ у добијању држављанства, издавању виза, сталног и привременог боравка
  • Пројектовање
  • Грађевинске и монтажне активности
  • Правне услуге у свим фазама куповине непокретности
  • Изградња станова
  • Комплексна конструкција
  • Издавање за одмор



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